
Cacao Rocks (a.k.a. IASON) has painted all the murals for ananea Kos. He is an artist based in Athens, Greece. He is the son of the sculptor Georges Megoulas.

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What made you decide to become an artist?

At first, I didn't want to become an artist. My father is an artist and I knew how hard the life of an artist is. I grew up in an artist's studio and was practically an unpaid assistant from the age of 5 to 15. Then I just started putting my creations on the wall.

What is the most important element in your artwork?

Hope. The most important "element" is the hope that what I create makes people feel good and brings them joy.

What do you hope to convey to the viewer through your work?

I try to explain what I have in my soul without using words, just colours and shapes.

How has the art world in Greece changed recently? Has this affected your work, and if so, how?

The art world in Greece has undoubtedly changed over the last ten years. After a long period of crisis, Greece has once again become a cultural centre. Many artists and collectors from all over the world are coming to Athens and the rest of Greece. Large cultural organisations such as DESTE, the Niarchos Foundation, Onassis and Neon are making a major contribution to the cultural scene. The EMST Museum is also a cultural "oasis". My work has been greatly influenced, I have received many commissions and my works can be found in collections all over the world. Compared to the last decade, I paint more in the studio. I am also more interested in working in the studio and making canvases because I can experiment more and send them all over the world.

What advice would you give to the artists of our time?

I don't know. I'm one of them too! What? No? I'm not that old. Just have fun and work, work, work.

What is your favourite Greek word that you would like our guests to learn?

Αγάπη - Love. The most important thing in all languages. The force that holds us together and unites us.

Cacao Rocks (aka IASON) is an artist living in Athens, Greece. Son of the sculptor Georges Megoulas. Active in street art since 1999. Studied French literature at the UOA and at the Univercite d'Angers in France. Won a scholarship at the Focus School of Photography and New Media by winning first prize in the video art competition "Shoot it" (2011). "I try to explain what I have in my soul without using words, just colours and shapes." His work has been exhibited in numerous foundations, museums and galleries around the world, including the Benaki Museum, Onassis Cultural Centre, Michael Cacoyiannis Foundation, Bouzianis Museum, Salomon Arts Gallery NY, AG18 Gallery in Vienna, etc. National newspapers such as the New York Times, National Geographic, Guardian and BBC have reported on his artworks and activities. Yasonnas Megoulas has been invited by organisations and universities in Greece and the USA to give lectures and workshops about his work. (University of Michicgan, Onassis Foundation, TED x, New School and Deree University, WETRANSFER etc.). His artworks range from paintings, sculptures, installations to video art and performances. He has also created total artworks and branding for musicians as well as international brands such as NIKE, DUO, Remy Cointreau. In 2017 he represented Greece at the Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale. In 2018 he was honoured with the "Artworks" award of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.